The code block below illustrates how one might use # and // as comments in your logic and calculations.
# Text can be put here to explain what the logic/calculation does and why.
if ([field1] = '1' and [field2] > 7,
// This comment can explain what the next line does.
[score] * [factor],
// Return '0' if the condition is False.
Working …
0% means
50% means
100% means
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The value you provided must be within the suggested range
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This value is admissible, but you may wish to double check it.
The value entered must be a time value in the following format HH:MM within the range 00:00-23:59 (e.g., 04:32 or 23:19).
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An International Survey on Practice Patterns on the use of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Oligoprogressive Cancer
Our research team, led by Dr. Sarah Baker, Department of Radiation Oncology, BC Cancer Surrey, and University of British Columbia, would like to ask you confidential questions in this survey on practice patterns in the use of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for oligoprogressive cancer. Please complete this survey if in your clinical practice, you treat patients with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR)/ stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). Survey results will help us to learn more about common practice patterns and will help with the development of a clinical trial of SABR in the oligoprogressive setting.
If you do the survey, you are consenting to participate. Completion of the survey is voluntary. It will take 15 minutes to complete. Prior to submission of your questionnaire answers, you can withdraw your consent by closing the survey. Once you start the survey, it must be completed within a single session. Due to the anonymous nature of the survey, once the survey is submitted, you will NOT be able to withdraw your consent.
There are no direct benefits to you if you decide to take part in this study. Published results of the survey may be of benefit to radiation oncologists by providing information about common practice patterns.
There are no direct risks to participants. All questionnaire answers will be anonymous. Aggregate data derived from this study will be used for research purposes. If the results of the study are published, your name will not be used and no information that discloses your identity will be released or published without your specific consent to the disclosure.
Only the study team and the technical support team at the Provincial Health Service Authority (PHSA) in British Columbia will access your information. The results of this survey are confidential. When results are reported, presented, or published the project team will remove any information that could identify you or anyone else. The team may use an anonymous quote from your comments if provided. Survey data will be stored securely at PHSA for 5 years. Your personal information is protected by our privacy law in BC. This law is called the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). We are collecting your information under section 26 (c ) (e ) of FIPPA.
For answers to questions relating to this research study or for information about study procedures, you may contact Dr. Sarah Baker at
For questions about your rights as a research participant or privacy related questions, you can contact BC Cancer Research Ethics at, or 604.877.6284. Please reference the study number H23-03837 when contacting Research Ethics so staff can better assist you.
By proceeding with the survey, I voluntarily consent to PHSA collecting, using, and disclosing the information I provide. I have read and understand this form.
Survey of Current Clinical Practice Patterns in Oligoprogressive Cancer
For the following survey, oligoprogression is defined as a limited number of progressing lesions on active systemic treatment, with or without other sites of stable disease.
You have selected an option that triggers this survey to end right now.
To save your responses and end the survey, click the 'End Survey' button below. If you have selected the wrong option by accident and/or wish to return to the survey, click the 'Return and Edit Response' button.