Electronic Consent (e-Consent) |
Electronic-Consent (e-Consent) is a platform for consenting patients or research subjects either on site or at home using a computer-based consent form rather than traditional paper documentation. Consent forms can be implemented in a REDCap survey via computer, mobile phone, or tablet.
To use the e-consent module, please request a project by completing the request form: https://rc.med.ubc.ca/redcap/surveys/?s=HEAXHW4LW7
If your research project needs to be de-identified as per the REB, you must request a separate project to host your e-consent data. E-consent data, as it contains identifiers, should be hosted separately from your research project data; hence your team will have two REDCap projects. This will better protect identifiers and increase the security of your data. In addition, we recommend coding your consent question as a "yes/ no" question (ie. 1, I consent / 0, I do not consent), as recommended by the REB.
It is the responsibility of the research team to get the use of e-consenting in their project approved by the Research Ethics Board prior to implementation. In your ethics application, we suggest adding this statement to your consent form: "Your electronic consent form will be stored in the UBC Faculty of Medicine's secured network in Vancouver, BC. Only authorized personnel will be able to access it."